
Efforts on Behalf of Child Labor

* “Teens’ Efforts Give Soccer Balls the Boot,” Dec. 23.

The kids of Monroe High School are to be commended for their efforts on behalf of the child laborers of Pakistan and by extension, the world.

The next step in their awakening would be, ideally, to find a way to feed and house the children who no longer have any value to their families or “employers.” Instead of being sold to the companies that manufacture soccer balls, will these children now be sold into prostitution, maimed for begging or simply put out on the streets to fend for themselves?

Kids, here is your next lesson: For every action there is a consequence. When these child slaves lose their limited value to their employers they will surely lose whatever food and shelter they were deemed valuable enough for.


Perhaps a byproduct of “free the children” could be “provide for the freed children.”

Meanwhile, keep your hearts open to the injustices around the world, and perhaps your generation will be able to do something about them.


