
Bruin Basketball Fans Have Selective Memory

I have refrained from writing regarding the Jim Harrick situation, but after another Saturday of reading the drivel about Chancellor Young and Athletic Director Dalis’ supposed mistreatment of the coach, I can restrain myself no longer. One of the Dec. 28 letters wonders, “Was it only last year that UCLA had pride, intensity and a real program in place?” Oh, you mean the well-disciplined bunch that lost to Princeton in the first round of the NCAA tournament?

A second letter again derides Young and Dalis for firing Harrick by comparing recent violations at Arkansas and Louisville. None of us knows all the details of the situations there, or at UCLA for that matter. But what about this: If you lied on an expense report, then had one of your subordinates try to help you cover it up, then lied to your supervisor numerous times about the discrepancy, do you not think you would be fired? Why should UCLA and Harrick be any different? Is it because so many of us live out vicarious dreams through the UCLA basketball program?


Morro Bay


As a loyal UCLA alumnus, I enjoy Bruin basketball, win or lose. But watching a televised game is no longer enjoyable with motor-mouth Bill Walton behind the mike. His monotone drone of endless sentences, involving myriad subjects other than the game at hand, and occurring during live action (often fastbreaks) is, at the least, distracting. Not only does he ignore the action on the floor, he involves his co-announcer in his boring babble and unsolicited advice to the point that no one knows what has taken place.



Mammoth Lakes
