
Aftermath: Not a big crime, but if...

Aftermath: Not a big crime, but if you were close by, you remember. . . Topanga residents remain shaken after a neighbor was arrested Tuesday for allegedly firing shots into the air with an assault rifle. Said Jonas Hardy: “People are a little jumpy. We’re all breathing a sigh of relief he wasn’t killed and that no one was hit.”

Winners and Losers; Winner: The San Fernando Mission, praised last week for nearly two centuries of community service. The mission celebrates its 200th anniversary in September. . . . Loser: Joel Burakoff, charged with eight counts of grand theft in an investment swindle allegedly victimizing members of the Friars Club.

The Week Ahead: The Magic Ford dealership in Valencia is to be auctioned off in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Tuesday. Bidders include a business connected with Miami Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga.
