
Shelter Planning 15-Bed Expansion

Representatives of the Homeless Intervention and Shelter House are looking forward to opening their doors to many more needy families this year.

The shelter is planning a 15-bed expansion project that will increase its capacity to about 40 beds, said Joan Waterworth, a board member for the house.

“When we have openings, which is not very often, we always have more applicants than we can take care of,” Waterworth said.


Residents, who usually stay about four months, are required to get jobs and save money during their stays, Waterworth said. Many of the shelter’s graduates also come back and help with counseling, maintenance on the house and job placement.

“We have a lot of success stories,” Waterworth said. “By enlarging the facility, we’re hoping to be able to service more people in the community.”

The expansion will include a computer and study room, said Patti Long, executive director of the shelter.


Construction is planned to start in early spring.

The shelter received a federal grant for about half of the construction costs and is supplementing the rest with other grants and private donations, Long said.

The facility was established in 1989 by the Placentia Presbyterian Church. Information: (714) 993-5774.
