
Parade Facts

The Armchair Parade: KTLA Channel 5 will present commercial-free, live Tournament of Roses Parade coverage at 8 a.m., with replays at 10:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. KTLA’s parade countdown show will begin at 6:30 a.m. KMEX Channel 34 will present live, commercial- free parade coverage in Spanish at 8 a.m., with a pre-parade show beginning at 7 a.m. KABC Channel 7 will present live coverage of the parade reports beginning at 5:30 a.m. KCBS Channel 2 and NBC Channel 4 will present live coverage of the parade beginning at 8 a.m.

79th Rose Queen: Jennifer Elaine Halferty won this year’s crown in competition with more 750 Pasadena-area young women. She is a 17-year-old Pasadena resident attending Polytechnic School, where she is co-captain of the varsity cheerleading / song squad. The senior is also a peer counselor who plans to attend USC and pursue a career in international relations or linguistics.

Grand marshals: This year’s co-grand marshals are Olympic gold medalists Carl Lewis and Shannon Miller. In keeping with the parade theme of “Life’s Shining Moments,” Lewis and Miller have had their respective shining moments in track and field and women’s gymnastics in front of an international audience. They are the fourth joint co-marshals in parade history. Other past joint marshals, the Medal of Honor Men in 1952, the Apollo 12 astronauts in 1970, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans in 1977 and His Grace, Cristobol Colon and Rep. Ben Nighthorse Campbell in 1992.


Viewing the Parade

When: Begins at 8 a.m. Jan. 1 and runs for about two hours. The Rose Bowl game starts at 2 p.m.

Driving to the parade: From the San Fernando Valley or eastern San Gabriel Valley, take the Foothill Freeway east to Lake Avenue or Hill Avenue off-ramps. From the Westside, take the Ventura Freeway to the Lake Avenue, Hill Avenue or Altadena Avenue off-ramps. Pasadena Freeway drivers continue north on Arroyo Parkway to any major eastbound street and then walk north to Colorado Boulevard.

Parade parking: Pasadena police say those wishing to park within easy walking distance should arrive by 6 a.m. All temporary “No Parking” areas and red curb zones remain off-limits. Any vehicle in violation will be towed immediately. Those planning to leave immediately after the parade passes their viewing position should park on the side of parade route nearest their destination. Police suggest that people attending the parade who plan to go to Rose Bowl game park nearer the Rose Bowl and walk to the parade route. Parking at the bowl’s lots is $10 and the lots will open at 6 a.m.


Bus schedule: The MTA will provide shuttles from downtown Los Angeles and Long Beach.

The 401 and 483 lines will travel from downtown Los Angeles to Pasadena. The 260 bus will travel from Long Beach to Pasadena. After the parade, shuttles, the 260 and 401 buses will leave from Marengo Avenue and Green Street and the 483 bus from Dayton Street and Fair Oaks Avenue. For additional information call 1-(800)-COMMUTE

Seating: Curbside viewing is on a first-come, first-served basis. Bleachers take up most of the corner of South Orange Grove Boulevard and Colorado Boulevard, so curbside spectators are advised to head east of Old Pasadena and farther east the later they arrive. The north side of the boulevard gets some sunlight and is usually warmer. There will be 1,000 portable toilets surrounding the route. Parade viewing for those with disabilities: Viewing for the mobility-impaired is available at Pasadena Plaza. Parking will be at the Marengo Avenue parking structure at Marengo and Green Street behind the plaza. Space is limited to the mobility-impaired and one companion. Passes are required..

Parade rules: Those wishing to sit on curbs may save only the space they occupy. Tents are not allowed and areas cannot be roped off. Fires are permitted if it is not windy and they are in a fireproof container off the ground. Ladders and scaffolds are not permitted. It is illegal to throw any projectile in the parade or the route, including “silly string” and marshmallows.


Order of Entries

1. U.S. Air Force Composite Band

2. Long Beach Mounted Police Color Guard

3. Eastman Kodak Co.

4. Ondine Genevoise Band

5. Target Stores

6. Western Group, an equestrian riding group

7. Florists Transworld Delivery (FTD)

8. Colony High School Cougar Marching Band

9. Dr Pepper

10. Pasobilities Peruvian Paso Horse Club

11. Tournament of Roses Grand Marshals

12. Optimist International

13. George Putnam Group

14. Countrywide Home Loans

15. Pasadena City College Herald Trumpets

16. Rose Queen and Royal Court

17. Pasadena City College Tournament of Roses Honor Band

18. City of Torrance

19. Cal Poly Pomona / W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center

20. California State Polytechnic Universities--Pomona and San Luis Obispo

21. Iolani School Marching Band

22. Unocal

23. Pac-10 Conference

24. Arizona State University Sun Devil Marching Band

25. City of Azusa

26. American Morgan Horse Unit

27. Farmers Insurance Group

28. La Canada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Assn.

29. Los Angeles Unified All-District High School Honor Band

30. President of the Tournament of Roses

31. City of Los Angeles

32. California Firefighters Assn.

33. Arco

34. Scottsboro High School Band

35. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs

36. Tennessee Walking Horse Assn.

37. City of Long Beach

38. Valley Hunt Club

39. Lutheran Laymen’s League

40. Salvation Army Band

41. Belgian Molly Mules

42. Big Ten Conference

43. Ohio State University Marching Band

44. City of Inglewood

45. B Troop 4th Cavalry

46. American Honda Motor Co.

47. Mayor of Pasadena

48. China Airlines

49. Norco Desperadoes

50. Kiwanis International--California, Nevada, Hawaii District

51. Londonderry High School Lancer Marching Band and Color Guard

52. Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. / City of Burbank

53. Roy Rogers & Dale Evans Museum’s Congress of Fancy Range Riders

54. City of Alhambra

55. Pickerington Tiger Marching Band

56. International House of Pancakes Restaurants

57. H. J. Heinz Co.

58. North Allegheny High School Marching Band

59. Rainbird Sprinkler Manufacturing Corp.

60. Monrovia Old Town Merchants Assn.

61. Wee Wheelers

62. Parsons Corp.

63. U.S. Marine Corps West Coast Composite Band

64. U.S. Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard

65. Ruby’s Restaurant

66. American Icelandic Horse Group

67. City of South Pasadena

68. Madison High School’s Marching Band

69. City of St. Louis

70. Autry Museum of Western Heritage Spirit of the West Riders

71. Sierra Madre Rose Float Assn.

72. Placer County 4-H Carriage and Draught Horse Driving Group

73. Simon Wiesenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance

74. U.S. Postal Service

75. Denver Citywide Marching Band

76. The Kingdom of Thailand

77. Mission Belles Equestrian Drill Team

78. Union Labor Life Insurance Co.

79. Tanner Appaloosa Group

80. Costa Rica

81. Calgary Stampede Show Band

82. Calgary Stampede Show Band Riders

83. United Airlines

84. Medieval Times

85. Automobile Club of Southern California

86. Joel E. Ferris Marching Band and Drill Team

87. Cacique

88. The Martinez Family

89. Sunkist Growers

90. O’Fallon Township High School Marching Panthers

91. Family of Freemasonry

92. The New Buffalo Soldiers

93. Rotary International

94. Newnan High School Band

95. Edison International

96. Native American Group

97. National Exchange Club

98. Mann Theatres

99. International Andalusian Horses of Spain

100. Downey Rose Float Assn.

101. California State PTA

102. Shady Ladies of the Mother Lode

103. Portland Rose Festival Assn.

104. City of Glendale

105. North Park Middle School Band

106. City of Duarte, Calif. / City of Hope Medical Center

107. The Philippines

108. Rocky Mountain Riders

109. Arcadia Tournament of Roses Assn.

110. Camarillo White Horse Assn.

111. International Assn. of Lions Clubs

112. Riverside Community College Marching Tigers

113. Zembo Shrine Mounted Horse Patrol

1. Parade units form. Closed to the public.

2. Public display of floats after the parade from 1:30 to 4 p.m. and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special viewing for the disabled from 7 to 9 a.m. Thursday.


The Police Department recommends avoiding Fair Oaks Ave. unless you have reserved parking in the area.


Eastbound and westbound Sierra Madre and San Gabriel Blvd. offramps closed 8 p.m. Tuesday to 6 p.m. Wednesday.


Eastbound Orange Grove offramp closed 8 p.m. Tuesday to 2 p.m. Wednesday.


Del Mar Blvd. and Pasadena Ave. onramps and offramps closed 8 p.m. Tuesday to 2 p.m. Wednesday.

Sources: Tournament of Roses Assn., city of Pasadena, Times files. Researched by Times correspondent RICHARD WINTON
