
Esteban Torres

Your story on my congressman, Esteban Torres, 34th District, Montebello to West Whittier (“Torres, California Omitted From Cabinet Christmas List,” Dec. 21), reminded me that quietly effective public servants do us more good than many headline grabbers.

I am an old man now. I remember people like Don Frasier, Minnesota, and Bob Eckhart, Texas and Don Edwards, San Jose; American patriots, as I see them. We used to call such people “statesmen” serving in our legislatures.

I would like to add Esteban Torres to that list. He has served as deputy Democratic whip, member of the Appropriations Committee, subcommittee on military construction, foreign operations, export financing. Heavy duty!


Torres does not know me. I only write as an admirer of public service at its best.

Your story notes that Bill Clinton passed over Torres for a Cabinet position. Thank goodness! We need Torres in Congress!


