
Theatrical Fun for the Early Stages


Children’s theater highlights, in chronological order:

* “An Evening of One-Acts,” La Habra Depot Theatre (Jan. 10-18): Shan Makor, a teen playwright from the Orange County High School of the Arts, is one of four writers of works that will be performed for the first time. Program director Chris Wolf calls Makor’s “Four People” “obscure but interesting.” The works are suitable for eighth-grade audiences and up, Wolf said.

* E.B. White’s “Charlotte’s Web,” Saddleback College’s storefront theater, Mission Viejo Mall (Jan. 16-Feb. 23): White’s classic about the friendship between a young pig and a spider is followed March 6 to April 20 with a production of “The Little Mermaid.”

* Andrew Lloyd Webber-Tim Rice’s “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” Brea Civic Theatre (Jan. 17-Feb. 1): Stagelight Family Productions stages the collaborators’ early rock opera with a humongous cast.


* “Sleeping Beauty,” Broadway on Tour, Orange, (Jan. 18-Feb. 23): The troupe continues its inaugural season at its new home.

* “The Hobbit,” Montreal’s Theatre Sans Fils, Irvine Barclay Theatre (Jan. 24): Giant trolls, goblins and monsters are on the prowl in this version by the puppet-theater troupe.

* “Stone Soup,” Orange Coast College drama department, Costa Mesa (Feb. 5-9): The folk tale of three hungry soldiers and the clever route they follow to full bellies.


* “The Adventures of Stuart Little,” Laguna Playhouse Youth Theatre, Laguna Beach (Feb. 7-16): Kids learn that even small ones can make it big if they try hard enough. Adapted from White’s children’s story by Joseph Robinette. The company’s season continues with Joe Lauderdale’s adaptation of “Little Women” (April 11-20) and “Cinderella” (June 6-15), as adapted by Greg Atkins, whose children’s works have been performed by South Coast Repertory’s Young Conservatory Players.

* “The Magic School Bus--Live!,” Irvine Barclay Theatre (March 16): This touring show lets audiences see what happens when a “puckerbrating retroflater” goes on the fritz.

* “Imagination Celebration,” (April 26-May 11): This event almost always features some quality family theater productions (often free!), along with music, dance, visual arts and other attractions, presented at venues around the county.


* “The Further Adventures of Maide Marian,” the Paper Bag Players, Lake Forest (April 26-May 11): No longer just Robin Hood’s lady fair, Maid Marian in this audience-participation production is a skilled sword fighter and can match Robin’s swash, buckle for buckle. The South County-based group will also stage a spoof on the Red Riding Hood story, “Little Red & the Hoods” (July 26-Aug. 10).
