
Hare Krishnas Misrepresented

* Re “Faith to Faith” (May 15):

As the secretary for the Laguna Beach Hare Krishna Cultural Center, I was at first thrilled to see an article on religious tolerance, but then saddened when I saw the light in which my group was portrayed.

Evidently, some years ago, people claiming to be members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness came to the UC Irvine Interfaith Center and made a general nuisance of themselves, going so far as to partake of the center’s lunch. Well, I wasn’t there, but if any offenses were committed, I sincerely apologize.

However, as Shakespeare wrote, “A swallow does not a summer make,” and the tone of the article seemed to dismiss the validity of our entire organization based on this one incident. But what most people don’t realize is, the “Hare Krishnas” are the Western practitioners of the world’s oldest monotheistic tradition, a tradition that was begun back in India 5,000 years ago.


Our movement, as most seem to think, was not concocted by a group of airport-loving hippies in the late ‘60s, but was started through the missionary work of a deeply respected religious scholar and ex-pharmacist from India named Srila Prabhupada.

Our teachings are right in line with those of all the world’s major religions, and our first commandment is the same first commandment all Christians, Jews, Muslims and others follow: “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind and with all thy soul.” (As for the second, being strict vegetarians, we not only love our neighbors, we refuse to eat them as well.)

The Laguna Beach Temple currently distributes free meals to the area’s homeless on a weekly basis and is in the final stages of a city beautification project which will transform a shabby beach access into a wonderful mini-park.


The thrust of your article seemed to be a celebration of religious tolerance, yet sadly you maligned an organization you obviously knew little about and had not taken the time to acquaint yourself with.

If you had related an incident involving a group of Jewish or Muslim students, I’m sure there would have been some research done or at least a little qualification given.


Laguna Beach


* The article showed me how religious activity in our schools (elementary, high school, college and university) should be practiced.


Not the type of religion that the ultraconservative, so-called religious groups try to force on our children. They fail to see, or don’t want to recognize, that religion is, above everything else, tolerance for each other.

Thank you for an eye-opener of what religion in our schools should be.


