
Firm Approved to Develop Retail Center on Campus

The Cal State University Board of Trustees on Wednesday approved a Newport Beach-based firm to develop Cal State Northridge’s so-called North Campus into an upscale retail center whose projected revenues could eventually help fund a new university football stadium, among other projects.

Recommended over three other finalists, the Hopkins Real Estate Group plans to convert portions of the old Devonshire Downs horse track into a shopping center with stores such as Bristol Farms market and Borders bookstore. Construction could begin by June 1997 and be finished by the following spring, said builder John D. Hopkins.

CSUN President Blenda J. Wilson said she welcomed the decision after months of deliberations.


In its proposal, Hopkins/Cousins envisioned a 223,680-square-foot shopping center with a second phase that would add a 20-screen movie theater and a day-care center to the south, boosting the total square footage to 370,180.

But whether the movie theater gets built is contingent upon getting a new stadium for the school. CSUN’s existing football stadium is a relic built in 1944 as part of the racetrack.

University officials had originally hoped to build a 10,000- to 12,000-seat stadium with anticipated revenue from the North Campus project, but were forced to reevaluate their goals after development proposals showed projected profits far less than initial expectations.


CSUN Athletic Director Paul Bubb said Wednesday that he still looks forward to replacing the university’s existing 6,000-seat stadium, although he acknowledged it may come later.
