
Goldman Family Soliciting Donations to Pay Legal Costs

Facing growing legal costs, relatives of murder victim Ronald L. Goldman have sent out a national fund-raising letter asking for help in financing their wrongful death lawsuit against O.J. Simpson.

The four-page letter, signed by Goldman’s parents and siblings, requests contributions to cover enormous costs.

“Although, frankly, our family is not accustomed to nor comfortable with asking others for help,” the letter reads, “ . . . we will need outside financial support to carry on.”


Attorney Daniel M. Petrocelli, who represents the Goldman family, said their costs would reach “the multimillion-dollar range.” Petrocelli has spent the past week questioning witnesses close to Simpson. He said Simpson’s oldest son, Jason, and best friend, Al Cowlings, responded “I don’t recall” or “I don’t know” to many questions probing allegations that Simpson abused his former wife.
