
Christopher’s Mexico Mission

* Secretary of State Warren Christopher’s statement at the summit meeting, as reported in your May 8 editorial, “Chris- topher’s Mood-Mending Mission to Mexico City,” appears to expose the hypocrisy in the Clinton admin- istration’s current anti-illegal immigration policy position.

By “expressing a belief that any anti-Mexico attitudes in the United States will fade after the November election and that the long and sometimes fitful relationship will return to a positive course,” Christopher inadvertently disclosed the true forgiving nature of Clinton’s attitude regarding the flood of illegal immigrants into this country.

Obviously, the message to the Mexican government in this statement is the assurance that Clinton will be reelected, after which the federal government’s newly hardened stance against illegal immigration will be softened.


Also obvious is the need perceived by Clinton to appear tough on illegal immigration to November voters in California, who overwhelmingly passed Prop. 187 in 1994. Clinton knows he must win in California to be reelected. He will say and do everything he can (including throwing federal money at California) to achieve this result.


Paso Robles

* I’m afraid the horse, cows, chickens and other small livestock have already left the barn. The U.S. immigration policy of the last 20 years has ruined California.


