
Allocations, Art Decisions Delayed

Plans to allocate about $6.4 million in federal grants and to consider approving a $100,000 artwork for the Pond have been put on hold by the City Council until Tuesday.

The delays came at the request of Councilman Bob Zemel, who said he wants additional time to study the two unrelated items.

City staff recommend that federal funds be used to support nonprofit agencies including the local Boys & Girls Club and YMCA, the Anaheim Museum and the Orange County Council on Aging.


Proposed allocations for fiscal 1996-97 also include $600,000 to help build the Downtown Community Center, and $200,000 to support anti-gang efforts by the Police Department.

“Musical Gateway,” the artwork being considered for the Pond, is an interactive, mixed-media work that would be created by two visual artists and one composer. It would consist of four long, colorful sculptures that incorporate fiber-optic lighting, which would be triggered by the musical composition.
