
Land Lease for Tower to Bring City $16,000

Because of a tower-lease arrangement, a tiny plot of city-owned land is going to bring the city treasury $16,000 a year.

The City Council has agreed to lease to Nextel Communications about 450 square feet of land adjoining the city’s water well at 6800 Walker St.

Nextel plans to construct a 72-foot tower on the property that will be used for communications relays, including cellular phones.


In a memo to the council, City Manager Daniel E. Keen said the lease will bring in money while causing no problems to the city.

“The proposed [tower] facility will be unmanned and will not generate an increase in traffic or noise levels, emit any odors or have a significant impact on the surrounding properties,” Keen said. “The nearest residence is north of the flood control channel, 300 feet from the proposed facility.”

The council approved a five-year lease with Nextel. The contract calls for a $16,000-per-year rental, payable in monthly installments.


In a separate action, the council also approved an application by another company to put a communications tower on commercial property at 5600 Fresca Drive. This project by Pacific Bell Mobile Services calls for constructing a 60-foot steel antenna.

This tower also will not be staffed, Keen said, and will not cause an increase in traffic or noise.

Council votes for both projects were unanimous.
