
Knight Watch

Concerning Christopher Knight’s review of “Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago’s ‘Dinner Party’ in Feminist Art History” at the UCLA/Armand Hammer Museum of Art (May 2):

Knight’s concluding comment--”It is always disappointing to come upon an ambitious but failed work of art, like ‘The Dinner Party.’ But to witness a museum actively participate in the trivialization of art is infinitely worse”--prompts another donation to the UCLA/Armand Hammer, because such vituperation clearly suggests how I should vote with my money.

Having read [Chicago’s] “Beyond the Flower” and followed the artist after viewing “The Dinner Party” in Boston in 1979, I visited the museum on April 23. The visit prompted a quick poem sent to The Times and Robin Abcarian. . . .


Knight’s opening comment, “ . . . the worst exhibition I’ve seen in a Los Angeles museum in many a moon,” was disappointedly inconsistent with what we expected from Knight. . . . Such commentary is insulting to those who fund and support the Hammer museum’s courage in bucking the trend toward “same old, same old” stuff.


La Mirada
