

bugs & bunny guys n. nickname for L.A. County park rangers. syn. tree fuzz.

hitting the hole v. sleeping on the job. “I went out to check on a report of beer drinking in the park and I ended up hitting the hole.”

bee rock n. large rock in Griffith Park near the merry-go-round, infested with a swarm of bees. “Send them up to the bee rock if they give you trouble.”

AOR abbr. Alive on Road--wildlife spotted on or near a highway. “On morning patrol I saw a whole family of bears AOR near Angeles Crest.”


DOR abbr. Dead on Road--road kill.

DYC abbr. Damn Yellow Composite--daisy-like flowers thought to be from the composite (thistles, artichokes, chrysanthemums) family of plants. “The hillsides are covered with DYC.”

George Nora n. good night. A longtime saying among city park rangers that evolved from the initials, GN, for good night.

vagrant n. species of bird not native to the area that wanders into an L.A. park. “Seen any vagrants lately? I spotted a Blackburnian warbler in the north picnic area yesterday.”
