
Ridley-Thomas Offers Motion Backing Affirmative Action

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Los Angeles City Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas introduced a motion Friday reiterating the city’s commitment to affirmative action and calling on Mayor Richard Riordan to clarify his position on the issue.

The motion, to be voted on next week, asks the mayor and city attorney’s office to report within a month on the impact the so-called “California civil rights initiative” would have on the city’s affirmative action programs and policies. The statewide ballot initiative would prohibit state governments from awarding jobs or contracts based on race.

“As we honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday this month, we must remember that his struggle to create equal opportunity for all people has been passed on to us,” Ridley-Thomas, one of three African Americans on the council, said. “The city of Los Angeles must battle to preserve affirmative action.”


Ridley-Thomas also challenged Riordan to publicly state his position on affirmative action, noting that he has promised to do so “for many months.” But Riordan spokeswoman Noelia Rodriguez said the mayor has not taken a stance on the initiative or affirmative action.

“Philosophically, he believes that nobody should ever be denied access,” she said.
