
Applause for an Informative Story

A great many thanks for “A Crucial Connection” (Dec. 9), which truly informs and enlightens the public about the abuse of deaf children in hearing families. Also thanks to the writer, Bettijane Levine, for producing a well-balanced and bias-free article.

I’ve never experienced such abuse myself. I am deaf and have used sign language all my life with my deaf family. I have never had frustration in expressing myself or in understanding my parents. This has played an important role in my identity and self-esteem.

With full communication, I also was able to learn some skills in speaking and lip reading, which have come in handy only sometimes (nothing is guaranteed). I could go through a regular public high school and college for the deaf, earning a B.A. I’ve had various jobs with both hearing and deaf people.


The points made by Rick Mitchell and Kristin Murphy, counselors at Five Acres, are unquestionably valid. Just to reiterate to all parents with a deaf child: Learn and communicate in sign language. It will save a lot of problems.


Long Beach
