
Orange County Fans’ Choices

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. Weeks (Studio) (National) (National) Released 1. Stargate (1) $244,494 14/$17,463 1 (MGM) ($16.6 million) (2,033/$8,190) 2. Pulp Fiction (2) $88,309 17/$5,194 5 (Miramax) ($5.69 million) (1,494/$3,809) 3. Love Affair (4) $49,720 16/$3,107 2 (Warner Brothers) ($3.61 million) (1,585/$2,279) 4. The Road to Wellville (5) $46,760 10/$4,676 1 (Columbia) ($2.58 million) (806/$3,202) 5. The River Wild (6) $43,837 17/$2,578 5 (Universal) ($2.56 million) (1,901/$1,350)

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exibitor Relations Co.
