
BALDWIN PARK: A 48-year-old Baldwin Park man...

BALDWIN PARK: A 48-year-old Baldwin Park man and his two sons, ages 15 and 18, were the victims of a home invasion robbery Sunday night. Three men knocked on the door of the Cutler Street house at about 7:45 p.m. and told the father that there was something wrong with their motor home parked outside. One of the men pulled out a gun and the robbers bound the victims with duct tape and escaped with jewelry and a small amount of cash.

COVINA: A 4-year-old Covina boy was killed Thursday when he was run over by a driver who apparently did not see him. Brian Garcia was riding his tricycle in the 600 block of Alcross Street at 3:50 p.m. when he was hit by a Ford Bronco driven by Roger Haug, 40, of Baldwin Park, police said. Brian was pronounced dead at Inter-Community Medical Center at 5:30 p.m. Haug was not cited.

EAST VALINDA: A 19-year-old Valinda man who opened fire on a home in the 17400 block of East Gemini Street was killed Monday night after two people inside the home fired back. Jose Guadalupe Lopez was killed at about 7:45 p.m., after standing at the end of a driveway and firing several rounds from a semiautomatic weapon into the home of a 19-year-old man, two women and two boys, ages 14 and 17, sheriff’s deputies said. During the attack, the 19-year-old and 17-year-old came out of the house and returned fire. No arrests have been made.


POMONA: Three armed men stole $600 from McDonald’s restaurant at 660 N. Indian Hill Blvd. on Friday night. The robbers drew handguns and ordered everyone to the floor. Omar Renee Barefield, 20, of Pomona was arrested at the scene on suspicion of armed robbery and was booked at the Pomona City Jail. The other robbers were still at large. Anyone with information is asked to call Pomona police at (909) 620-2155.
