
Coffeehouse in Santa Ana Pours on the Culture


A favorite pastime among some Orange County residents is griping about the lack of culture and community here, and the absence of a downtown hub that traditionally breeds these things. But those who know better can tell you that great digs filled with exciting people pepper the county map.

Still, even the believers will admit to occasionally whining over distances. Their plea: Why can’t a few cool places end up near each other, making coffeehouse-bar-gallery-club hopping a pedestrian experience? (And let’s not forget to make that experience one that doesn’t shut down by 10 p.m.)

That wish is finally coming true along North Main Street in downtown Santa Ana where, in between Dark’s Art Parlour and the Caged Chameleon art galleries, the city’s first full-service coffeehouse, Koo’s Art Cafe, opened late last month.


Consider the place full-service because of the tall order that owners Lou Bribiesca, Dennis Lluy, Allan Benavides, Dan Montano hope to fill. The four spent eight months transforming an abandoned turn-of-the-century house into a haven for creativity. The walls, ceiling and trims have been saturated in multiple colors, the wood floors marked with a giant sun and moon and the rooms filled with comfy cast-off furniture.

Only a weakly lit neon sign flashing “Koo’s Chop Suey” remains in front as a reminder of the former Chinese take-out restaurant that inhabited the house starting in the 1940s. City records show a minister lived there around 1918.

Today, the twentysomething partners hope Koo’s will serve as a community meeting place, a study hall, a showcase for local bands of every persuasion, a pulpit for everyone from poets to politicians, and (in two months) a gallery with monthly exhibits.


Bands plug in and perform most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 9 p.m. until about 11 or “when the band poops out,” said Lluy, who is responsible for booking the talent at Fullerton’s all-ages concert hall, the Ice House. There is never a cover, so everyone can sample the local music scene. The cafe will present Kooslapalooza on Oct. 1 at 6 p.m., featuring eight local bands including March, Supernovice, Permanent Green Light, Ice and Back Door.

More traditional coffeehouse fare is offered every Wednesday, which is open-mike night after 8 p.m., when patrons display their talents in poetry, prose, music and whatever else they like.

Friday is BYOD night--”D” as in drum. The Drum Circle, from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m., encourages everyone who is a drummer or dreams of being one to join in. Chanting is optional.


The percussion instruments patrons bring from home are of every shape, size and quality--as is the rhythmic beat, which could tap the primitive in us all and prove a fine outlet for releasing aggression. It’s just impossible to hear anything over the, uh, music, making the evening a bit of a drag for conversation. But Lluy said, “It’s more of a vibe thing really, where people can come in, make noise and meet people.”

Indeed, it’s this whole concept of providing a cool vibe that’s really behind Koo’s Art Cafe. The emphasis here is more on “art” than “cafe,” though the place does serve a good selection of coffee drinks ($1.50 to $2.50), hot chocolate ($1.50) and bottled Hansen drinks $1.25, along with a menu that includes grilled cheese sandwiches ($1.50), quesadillas ($1.25) and veggie burgers ($2.25).

Coffeehouse fans need look beyond strictly finding their jolt in the caffeine. Koo’s lets you go off and get a little cuckoo all in the name of cultural expression. And we could use more of that in these parts.


* 1505 N. Main St., Santa Ana.

* (714) 648-0937.

* Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.

* No cover.
