
Simpson Murder Case : Another Senate Prayer

U.S. Senate Chaplain Richard C. Halverson, criticized for leading the Senate in prayer for O.J. Simpson last week, called Thursday for God’s blessing on the victims of domestic abuse. He also said “our nation has been traumatized by the fall of a great hero” and “our hearts go out to him (Simpson).” Only at the end did Halverson pray for “comfort and consolation to the victims and their families.”

The Debate Over Hair Samples

The hairs on O.J. Simpson’s become a key point of contention early in the preliminary hearing. Prosecutors wanted 100 hairs from Simpson’s head to compare with hairs found at the murder scene. Defense attorneys wanted to allow investigators only one hair. Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Kennedy-Powell ordered that Simpson provide at least 40 hairs.


“We don’t think he did it. We’ll be objective, look at the evidence and stuff like that. We’re hoping against hope that there’s no concrete evidence. We’re hoping that he’ll be let go.”


Donna Eaton, watching hearing in Buffalo, N.Y., bar and grill.
