
Domestic Partners Bill

* The Domestic Partnership Registration Bill, introduced by Assemblyman Richard Katz (D-Los Angeles), promotes responsibility and security for committed but unmarried couples. The bill will enable all committed couples in the state to register as “domestic partners” and assume certain responsibilities and limited benefits, provided they live together, share expenses and meet other basic requirements. They’ll have family visitation rights in the hospital, legal preference to administer each other’s affairs should one partner become incapacitated, and the ability to use a standard legal form to will each other property. These basic humanitarian rights are currently denied to committed but unmarried couples, no matter how longstanding their relationship.

The 1990 U.S. Census showed almost 500,000 unmarried couple households in California. Thousands of them have children. The security and integrity of those families is at risk under the current legal code. Domestic partnership is no substitute for the full legal benefits of marriage, but in a medical crisis it will help.

Opponents of civil rights for lesbians and gays may oppose this bill because it includes same-sex couples. But only the coldest of hearts would deny a couple, straight or gay, the right to care for each other in times of grave illness. It would be tragic if homophobia were allowed to derail a bill meant for all Californians.


It’s time we recognize, support and protect all families.


