
OFFICE IMPROVEMENT: The Santa Ana Unified School...

OFFICE IMPROVEMENT: The Santa Ana Unified School District was getting worried about its increasing workers’ compensation claims, which climbed past $2 million two years ago. But the trend reversed for the 1992-93 school year, dropping to $1.5 million. . . . Reason: Officials say it was their new safety campaign, led by videos of good safety habits. Employees, says school safety leader Bill Boettcher, learned “how to lift objects, how to react to different situations, notice a ladder is unsafe.”

WELCOME AS EVER: Local Republicans were jubilant Thursday at the release of Nicaraguan Vice President Virgilio Godoy Reyes, a hostage of the Sandinista forces. Local party chairman Tom Fuentes had visited Reyes several times, and had led a drive to ship goods to the government there. Reyes was scheduled to speak to the Lincoln Club here next month. Fuentes hopes he’ll still come, along with some of the other hostages released: “Their coming is all the more special now that they have been through this horrible ordeal.”

TUNE UP: If you know Van Halen--who perform at the Pacific Amphitheatre tonight and Saturday--you know they’re perfectionists when it comes to their instruments. That’s why bassist Michael Anthony, above, commissioned hot rod builder Boyd Coddington of Stanton to produce for him a $20,000 bass guitar. . . . A longtime fan of Coddington’s, Anthony himself helped guide the project. A brilliant purple, the new Van Halen guitar includes glass, rubber, wood, wire and chrome.


GUESS WHAT: Drifter Richard Lucio DeHoyos, scheduled to be sentenced to death today for the rape and murder of a 9-year-old Santa Ana schoolgirl, hardly sounds like a man consumed with remorse. . . . In an interview, he vowed he’ll still be alive in 10 years: “I refuse to be executed; I’m going up to San Quentin and enjoy my ocean view.” He may be in for a surprise. The prison overlooks San Francisco Bay. But its Death Row has no windows.
