
Sino Perplexity

In a year in which I have been seeing nothing but brilliant cinematic masterpieces from China, I guess I should be thankful when Calendar makes a rare nod in that direction (“What’s Playing at the Sino-Plex?” by Allison Dakota Gee, Aug. 1).

However, it took a corn-fed middle American with a USC film degree to earn The Times’ newfound interest in the Hong Kong film industry. Unfortunately, the featured critic Paul Fonoroff turns out be a priggish grumbler respecting neither the elegant artistry of Chen Kaige nor the crowd-pleasing brilliance of John Woo (the best-known HK director on these shores).

I suppose a truly Asian point of view would be too much to ask. DAVID FEARS

Los Angeles

Director Woo was the subject of a Sunday Calendar cover story on Jan . 3. Kenneth Turan interviewed director Chen Kaige for a May 24 story.
