
Newport Harbor Fires Boys’ Basketball Coach


Calling it a decision that “had to be made,” Newport Harbor High School Principal Steve Pavich fired boys’ basketball Coach Bob Serven Thursday.

The firing ends two years of turmoil within the program. In June, parents and basketball supporters testified before a District Review Committee, which recommended that Serven change the manner in which he conducts business on the basketball court. Pavich said he didn’t see any change during the summer program.

Serven, who coached the varsity for four years, twice was named the Sea View League coach of the year and compiled a 58-49 record. He said he was surprised and disappointed by Pavich’s decision, but will remain at the school as a health and safety and physical education instructor. He hopes to coach elsewhere this winter.


The committee that reviewed complaints against Serven released its findings June 25 in a letter to those who filed grievances. It concluded Serven “has been abusive and oppressive in his dealings with student-athletes . . . (and) his coaching style has been degrading and offensive to parents and fans.”

It recommended Serven show continuing improvement in “his bench behavior and interrelationships with team members. Special attention should be given to avoiding/eliminating public humiliation of students and/or verbal or mental abuse.”

Serven was asked Friday if he felt he met the guidelines established by the review committee. “One-hundred percent,” he said.


“I’m disappointed this came about,” Serven said. “It’s a decision principals have to make and I respect their decisions if they think that’s what’s best.

“I’m going to miss coaching this team. We had a great summer and would be a contender for a league championship. I thought we would be a top 10 team in the county.”
