
Voters in Need of Mental Health Aid

* The commentary on the budget (Aug. 1) states: “Orange County spends less on health and mental health--both on a per capita basis and as a percentage of the total budget--than other comparable Southern California counties.”

I am appalled. Considering the high percentage of state and national legislators we elect who seem to suffer from a shortage of competency and ability to distinguish right from wrong when it comes to representing the electorate, I believe that a majority of voters in this county desperately need help from mental health professionals.

A good start would be treatment to distinguish between political party affiliation and quality of the individual--that seems to be extremely difficult for many county voters.


The Board of Supervisors should rethink priorities before charging ahead. I certainly wouldn’t want them to be put in the same category as these other politicians.

Time is of the essence; action must be taken now. Hurry.


Huntington Beach
