
What Card Clubs Will Bring to Cypress, Stanton

I have been a businessman in the city of Stanton for 3 1/2 years. I know that I speak for a lot of other small businesses in Stanton when I say that times have been tough. Recently, the city passed a 6% utility tax on residents and businesses alike. I know that Stanton is hurting financially, but so are we!

I support the card club proposal. It will bring much needed revenue into the city. I hope the politicians will see fit to repeal the utility tax altogether if Measure A passes. However, what has me and other small businesses in Stanton scared is if the card club loses, the city will have to raise the utility tax to 10% or 15% to make up for the shortfall in revenue.

The tax hike will hurt residents and force many businesses to close their doors or relocate out of the area.


If Measure A passes, it will help my business. More business means more jobs. If Measure A loses, I hope its detractors can explain to me how they intend to fix all of Stanton’s problems without money.

It’s easy for the “no” on Measure A people to just sit back and say “no,” but responsible people want more than cute slogans. We want solutions!


