
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


* BEACH PARKING: Approved spending $15,000 to finance part of a $40,000 plan to study and relieve traffic congestion and improve parking in the Venice Beach area. The rest of the money is expected to come from state funds.

* AIDS MARCH: Approved the temporary closure of several streets in Hollywood for the 10th annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Mobilization march this Sunday. The march is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. at 1625 N. Hudson St.


* STORM DRAIN: Approved a proposal authorizing the city to acquire easement rights for a storm drain at 16690 Sunset Blvd. in Pacific Palisades through either negotiation or condemnation. The city intends to install a reinforced concrete storm drain to replace an aging and deteriorated corrugated metal drain .

* ARTHUR ASHE: Tentatively approved a proposal by Councilman Nate Holden to name the tennis courts at Rancho Cienega Park in the Crenshaw area after the late tennis star Arthur Ashe.


How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.

* BIKE LICENSES: Approved two proposals by Councilwoman Ruth Galanter aimed at collecting bicycle license fees, which if fully enforced would result in more than $1 million in additional revenue for the city, she said. The first measure would require merchants to collect the $3 fees, which frequently are ignored. The second one calls on city officials to devise a monitoring system.


PASSED: 10-0.

VOTING YES: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro and Galanter.

ABSENT: Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky.

* REWARD: Approved paying two witnesses rewards of $12,500 each for information that led to the arrest of conviction of a man who robbed and shot to death two South-Central Los Angeles liquor store clerks in 1991.

PASSED: 10-0.

VOTING YES: Braude, Ferraro, Galanter and Holden.

ABSENT: Ridley-Thomas, Woo and Yaroslavsky.
