
Campaign Reform

Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.) has announced his intention to lead an obstructionist filibuster against campaign finance reform, Senate Bill S-3.

Why would the senator filibuster against campaign reform? Perhaps he sees this reform as killing the golden goose of massive contributions.

According to the Federal Election Commission, Dole raised in excess of $3 million in his last election campaign. Over $1.5 million was from PACs. His opponent received only $40,150 from PACs.


This year is the best opportunity since Watergate to clean up the corrupt system through which congressional campaigns are financed. Majorities in both houses of Congress are on public record in favor of change. President Clinton has stated his support of campaign reform.

Like the vetoed bills that preceded it in 1990, 1991 and 1992, it would establish campaign spending limits, provide public campaign resources for congressional races, put new caps and reductions for PAC contributions, and end the soft money abuses.

We at Common Cause hope that the media and the voting public recognize the need for reform. BILL HUTCHINGS


Common Cause, Orange County
