
Talks With Vietnam

In regards to Jim Mann’s article “Clinton Officials and Vietnam Envoy Hold Talks” (March 18):

Based on this meeting, which was not publicly announced, it is quite apparent that Clinton’s pre-election promises regarding a full accounting of our POW/MIAs before lifting the trade embargo are just more lies and rhetoric.

This Administration is no different from the last in that lip service about this being our nation’s No. 1 priority is all the suffering POWs and family members will get.


On the other hand, U.S. businesses will get all of Clinton’s attention and government backing in speeding up trade relations with Vietnam.

It is ironic that one of our abandoned POWs may in fact be the one that had to take Clinton’s place in the military in as much as Clinton opted to stay out of harm’s way when his nation needed him.

I have one question to ask Clinton: What is the going price American big business is willing to pay to have him give up this nation’s only leverage to get our abandoned servicemen home?



Woodland Hills
