
Steady Speed a Figment of Imagination

If the California Air Resources Board seriously believes that fewer pollutants are emitted at 20 to 35 m.p.h. (“Efforts to Reduce Road Congestion May Create Smog,” Aug. 30), they should come down from their ivory tower and spend a grueling rush hour with the mass of frustrated commuters.

They would find that 20 to 35 m.p.h. is seldom the steady speed modeled on their computer, but rather an average of hitting the gas, then slamming on the brakes--hardly conducive to efficient travel.

Their preposterous notion that all transportation projects should be halted in order to glut the roadways shows how far removed from reality some government bureaucrats have become. When will due consideration be given the awful waste of time spent in traffic? It is absurd to suggest that people drive 35 m.p.h. on superhighways designed for twice that speed.


BILL STREMMEL, Huntington Beach
