
Paper Diaper-Using Welfare Mothers Get No Sympathy Here

While I agree that single mothers need financial help, I am not in sympathy with some of the welfare mothers’ complaints regarding the budget cuts.

For example: Paper diapers, diaper wipes and shampoo are not essential items. I raised five children right here in Southern California and never used a paper diaper. Even without a washing machine, it is cheaper to go to a Laundromat once or twice a week than it is to buy paper diapers. A washcloth cleans a baby’s behind just fine and is reusable. As for shampoo, until I was married I used a cake of soap and rinsed with vinegar or lemon water and had gorgeous hair.

Welfare is fine if used intelligently, but I don’t want my tax dollars going to women who whine about not being able to buy “essentials.”


LOIS MADLEY, Fullerton
