
Nevada Rivals for House Seat Lead Primaries

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Congressional candidates Rep. Barbara Vucanovich and Pete Sferrazza took early leads, as anticipated, in their respective primaries Tuesday and focused their sights on each other for a rematch of their 1986 general election showdown.

Sferrazza, who has been Reno’s mayor for nine years, was leading political newcomer Jerry Maldonado of Sparks in the Democratic primary by nearly a 2-1 margin in early tallies.

Vucanovich, a five-term veteran in Congress, outdistanced her closest opponent in the Republican primary, Don Hensley of Laughlin, by more than 5 to 1.


While Sferrazza, 46, denied that he took his primary opponent for granted, he added: “Vucanovich is the incumbent, the person that needs to be beat. If people want change, then I would appreciate their support.”

Vucanovich, 71, said voters seeking change should steer clear of a Democrat.

“The Democrats have 102 votes (in Congress) more than we do,” she said. “They control every committee and what comes to the floor for a vote.”

The sprawling 2nd District covers 109,500 square miles and encompasses all but about 250 square miles surrounding Las Vegas.
