
Democratic Convention

Why don’t you spare us the suspense and declare your endorsement for Clinton? Day after day I see front-page photos and two or three energetic articles about Clinton (or Hillary); business failing as usual for President Bush; and the ever-typical “trouble in Perot’s camp” article buried inside. “You people” (what an awful thing to say!) really showed your colors with the photo of Benjamin Hooks, chairman of the NAACP, snoozing beside Perot, juxtaposed to him jubilant beside Clinton (July 12).

This endorsement continued into the Opinion section with “Not Your Father’s Democrats” (an upbeat resurrection of the Democratic Party) opposite “How Perversity Propelled GOP Into Power.” But July 14 was the clincher: headlines, photo and four articles on the front page, and four full pages devoted to your charge inside (and one lonely “New Flap Rocks Perot Campaign as Ad Firm Departs” inside Section A). When I saw the color spread on Clinton, I looked for the “Advertising Supplement” heading, it was so bullish over this man! MARK E. COLLINS

