
Costa Mesa Playgrounds to Get New Equipment


More than $200,000 has been set aside by the City Council to replace aging playground equipment.

Although considered state-of-the-art when installed in city parks 15 years ago, the wooden swings, slides and jungle gyms have become worn and need to be removed, said Parks Supt. David Alkema.

“They are still relatively safe, but we want to get them out of there before someone gets hurt,” said Alkema, adding that children often complain about getting splinters from the wood.


Eight tot lots are also slated to be replaced, including those at Del Mesa, Brentwood, Wilson, Wakeham, Smallwood, Pinkley, Gisler and Shiffer parks. Each lot costs between $30,000 and $40,000 and will be designed to accommodate the physically handicapped.

The allocation of more than $200,000 was made during recent city budget hearings. Although the funding was approved, the council also asked staff to look into alternative forms of funding for the lots.

Alkema said the city eventually will replace all wooden equipment in city parks, but will start with pieces identified as structurally weak. The new equipment, made of steel, will be installed in the next four to five months, he said.
