
And a glorious year it was, what...

And a glorious year it was, what with Southern California becoming the area-code capital of the nation, Michael Milken being featured in a trading-card collectiL scandal figures, the former Elvis Head float in the Rose Parade finding a home in Mt. Washington, and SigAlert being accepted (at long last) by the Oxford English Dictionary.

Some other unforgettable moments:

Repo of the Year at Tom Bradley International Terminal:

Returning from one of his many trips abroad, Mayor Bradley found there was no car waiting for him at LAX. It had been towed away after His Honor’s chauffeur illegally parked it at the curb.

Don’t Blame the Mayor’s Chauffeur for This One:

Hurrying to make a tennis date in Brentwood after returning from church services on a visit here, President Bush left behind the military aide who carries the top-secret codes needed to launch a nuclear attack. A White House spokesman said the Secret Service dispatched another car and the entourage caught up with the President as he reached the Brentwood tennis court.

L.A. Compliment of the Year:

Gino Odjick, a Vancouver Canuck hockey player, said L.A. was his favorite city to visit. “I like going to the carwash,” he said, “and seeing the nice cars.”


Only Their City Council Members Know for Sure:

Some 75 beauticians and barbers were invited in May to meet with the Santa Clarita City Council, which asked them what people in town were talking about. “Everyone talks to their hairdresser,” a city spokesperson explained. The gabfest was held on a Monday, traditionally a day off for hairdressers.

Most Heartfelt Appeal for Donations:

Employees organizing a holiday party in TRW’s Space and Technology Group in Redondo Beach sent out letters to various businesses, soliciting them for door prizes “in the spirit of the Holiday season.”

And who would be the needy recipients of the door prizes? Some “200 of TRW’s finance executives.” A company Scrooge later canceled the charity drive.


They Should Have Teamed Up with TRW:

A local couple sent out wedding invitations that were formally engraved and printed on white linen paper, with this P.S.:

Things are rough! Envelopes are appreciated (full) to pay for this party!!

Hoax of the Year:

A fake message, left on the special red emergency phones in the RTD’s offices, instructed employees in the minutes after the Sierra Madre earthquake: “We are all doomed. Drop your pants and kiss your ass goodby.”

Best April Fool’s Joke:

Santana sailing magazine ran an ad headlined, “Bait’s Rights--Stop the Killing!” and announced that swimming environmentalists would encircle the bait barge off Belmont Pier in Long Beach on April 1. Several landlubbers showed up to watch the nonexistent event, including one Long Beach city councilman.


Most Risque Recipe:

Reader Carol Richards found a shocking ingredient in a neighborhood newspaper’s pie formula (see photo).

Figures Worth Remembering:

24--Number of vampires residing in L.A., according to the Vampire Research Center in Elmhurst, N.Y.

8,642--Number of uncashed refund checks for L.A. County residents, worth $44,918,792, that were mistakenly shredded by the Internal Revenue Service in 1991.

1,200--Approximate number of forgotten motions pending before the L.A. City Council, dozens of them more than 10 years old and some of them proposed by since-deceased council members.

8--Larry Fortensky, Liz Taylor’s latest, on her list of husbands.

11--The cost, in cents, of a cup of coffee at the downtown diner Philippe’s, after it hiked the price a penny because of the snack tax.

4--Number of scantily clad women pictured in the annual report of Frederick’s of Hollywood.


310--The new area code for the western portions of L.A. County, including Beverly Hills. The magazine Beverly Hills (213) said it wouldn’t change its name.

20--Number of misidentified sites, out of 42, in an RTD map of San Fernando Valley bus routes. Among the incorrect listings in the guide, which was later recalled, was one for the RTD Customer Service Center.

Real Estate Gambit of the Year:

Several business cards bearing the name of a Santa Monica real estate agent were found in the Santa Monica Public Library, inserted between the pages of such books as “How to Cash In on the Coming Housing Boom” and “Rent Control: The Perennial Folly.”

Most Prescient Double Bill:

When the Fox Theater in Van Nuys went out of business more than 10 months ago, the marquee contained an uncannily accurate prediction of things to come: “Russia House,” paired with “Eve of Destruction.”

Rookie Mistakes:

The Marriott Corp., the Dodgers’ new concessionaire, became involved in a number of rhubarbs by decreeing, at different times, that Dodger Dogs would no longer be grilled, that famed peanut-throwing vendor Roger Owens was banned from tossing bags and that employees were required to continue serving food during the National Anthem. Each of the decisions was rescinded long before the All-Star break arrived.

Most Intriguing Question Received by a Local Newspaper:

A woman phoned the Long Beach Press-Telegram to ask if it would be dangerous for her dog to watch the solar eclipse.
