
Stand Up for Recycling Firm

I read the article titled “Catch-22 for Worm Concern” in the Ventura County section on Nov. 4.

If our county and state stewards end up capitulating to an obviously inapplicable state law by shutting down such a worthy, healthy, hopeful, environmentally beneficial project as the one described in this article, then we must admit to ourselves that we are truly on a downward spiral.

I recommend that the county keep that facility open while doing all it can to correct or rectify an obviously inadequate state law. Let not the letter kill the spirit. If those with destructive motivations want to have their way, let them come forward and identify themselves. Do not even think of buckling under until the state brings suit to do so in full view of public scrutiny.


Thanks to The Times for its vigilance in bringing to light this absurd but potentially destructive technicality. County and state stewards: Don’t shoot yourselves and us in the feet.


