
Disney Committee Could Use New Mission

Although the Disney Development Co. has chosen not to proceed with DisneySea in Long Beach (Times, Dec. 13), I do hope that the “movers and shakers” in this city will not focus too long on the negative aspects of this decision. Rather, what needs to happen is a refocusing on the many other possibilities for our city--a city that has the need and the potential to revitalize not only its downtown and shoreline areas, but its east and west sides, central and northern boundaries.

As vice chair of the Disney Citizens Advisory Committee, I would hope that the mayor and City Council, which appointed this 55-member committee, would not simply disband this group. This committee spent many hours researching and learning about a variety of topics important to formulating recommendations concerning a project of significant economic and environmental impact.

The committee’s organization into five subcommittees--employment, fiscal, environmental, transportation and port--is well suited to study other proposals and options beneficial to the city’s economic future. These talented and skilled citizens should be utilized by our elected officials to help answer the next question: “If not Disney, then what?”


The economic climate surrounding Long Beach demands that we not linger on the “might-have-beens,” but that we pick ourselves up and shake off any doubts and proceed to shape a positive future for our city.


Long Beach
