
COTO DE CAZA : Officials Delay Vote on Helipad Proposal

A long-debated proposal for a private helicopter pad in Coto de Caza will have to wait a little longer. County supervisors agreed Tuesday to delay action on the issue until next year.

The supervisors had scheduled a vote for Tuesday to decide whether financier Jerry Dunton should be allowed to build a helipad on his eight-acre estate. More than a dozen of Dunton’s neighbors, in fact, showed up for the meeting to address the supervisors.

But the Duntons asked for a postponement to evaluate a late-breaking development in their long quest for the helipad. The homeowners association the Duntons belong to acted late last week to prohibit property owners from building helipads, and that action may render any vote by the Board of Supervisors irrelevant.


Supervisor Thomas F. Riley, whose district includes Coto de Caza, said he supported the postponement in order to let the county staff and the Duntons consider the effects of the homeowners association’s action. Although Kenneth S. Kasdan, the lawyer for the association, at first objected to the delay, he later withdrew his objection.

The supervisors have scheduled the proposal for a vote on Jan. 14.
