
Vernon Loses Injunction Try in Flap Over Religion


Saying the matter had become moot, a federal judge Tuesday refused to grant an injunction against an inquiry into whether Assistant Chief Robert L. Vernon forced his religious views on subordinates in the Los Angeles Police Department.

U.S. District Judge Stephen V. Wilson cited a sworn statement released last week by Chief Daryl F. Gates in which Gates said an LAPD investigation of Vernon requested by the Police Commission had turned up no evidence of wrongdoing.

Wilson called Gates’ disclosure “a bombshell” that weakened Vernon’s contention that an injunction against city officials would safeguard him from irreparable harm while his $10-million lawsuit alleging religious persecution by them is being resolved.


Vernon’s lawyers argued that a new inquiry could be opened by officials other than Gates at any time unless there was an order from a court. But Wilson was not swayed.

“If that happens,” he said, “you ought to march right down here as fast as your feet can take you and bring that to my attention.”

Wilson set March 10 as the first day of trial in Vernon’s lawsuit.

The suit names as defendants the city of Los Angeles, the City Council, the Police Commission and individual members of the latter two bodies. It alleges that the investigation of Vernon had a “chilling effect” on his right to practice his religion and seriously damaged his career.


Skip Miller III, a private attorney representing the defendants, maintained that the investigation was fully justified given allegations that Vernon had allowed his role as an elder at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley to conflict with his duties as a public servant.

Miller told the court he has gathered “substantial evidence” in recent days that a so-called “God Squad” directed by Vernon exists within the LAPD.

After the hearing, Ball told reporters Vernon was targeted by city officials because his fundamentalist views are “politically incorrect.”
