
Trade Delegation

So President Bush is inviting executives from the three big automobile manufacturing companies to accompany him on his trip to Japan at the end of this year (“Bush Asks Big 3 Auto Makers to Visit Japan,” Dec. 7).

The San Gabriel Valley branch, National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, calls on the President and Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher to consider inviting labor leaders of the automobile and steel industry as well as a prominent leader of the African-American community.

Membership in the United Automobile Workers Union alone has plummeted 42% since 1980 and an untold number of jobs have been lost in the steel industry due to the proliferation of the Japanese automobile industry in the United States.


And African-Americans have been disproportionately impacted by the loss of those jobs, which we believe is contributing heavily to the social ills of our country.


Acting President

San Gabriel Valley NAACP

West Covina
