
State List of Late Mortgage Accounts

From Associated Press

Here is a list, by state, of the percentage of mortgage holders 30 days or more behind in their payments. The figures, provided by the Mortgage Bankers Assn. of America, are for the July-September quarter of 1991 and the same three-month period in 1990.

The national deliquency rate is adjusted for seasonal variations. The state rates are not.

State 1991 1990 State 1991 1990 Alabama 6.63 6.33 Montana 3.52 3.72 Alaska 4.67 4.48 Nebraska 3.68 3.74 Arizona 5.80 6.18 Nevada 5.08 4.88 Ark. 5.68 6.33 N. Hamp. 4.73 4.91 California 3.54 3.67 New Jersey 5.02 4.92 Colorado 4.23 4.58 New Mexico 4.22 6.80 Connecticut 3.98 3.55 New York 4.73 4.32 Delaware 3.99 3.58 No. Carolina 5.95 5.68 Dist. Columbia 6.15 5.79 No. Dakota 2.92 3.33 Florida 5.80 5.53 Ohio 5.08 5.44 Georgia 7.00 6.53 Oklahoma 5.93 6.35 Hawaii 2.21 1.77 Oregon 2.57 2.87 Idaho 3.93 3.74 Penn. 5.56 5.25 Illinois 5.44 5.31 Puerto Rico 10.90 10.01 Indiana 5.80 5.92 Rhode Island 4.43 3.10 Iowa 4.29 4.05 So. Carolina 6.39 6.10 Kansas 4.05 4.26 So. Dakota 2.44 2.82 Kentucky 5.17 5.15 Tennessee 7.49 7.54 Louisiana 6.71 7.22 Texas 6.71 6.91 Maine 4.49 4.06 Utah 5.91 5.38 Maryland 4.44 3.96 Vermont 3.58 3.68 Massachusetts 4.23 3.60 Virginia 4.49 4.24 Michigan 5.28 5.71 Washington 3.08 3.00 Minnesota 3.77 3.76 W. Virginia 6.28 4.93 Mississippi 7.88 8.15 Wisconsin 3.81 4.28 Missouri 4.68 5.04 Wyoming 4.15 4.57 United States 5.07 5.00
