
Yes, Fido, there is a Santa Claus.And...

Yes, Fido, there is a Santa Claus.

And what’s more, there’s proof for every pooch who has ever sniffed disparagingly around the chimney late on Christmas Eve, wondering how a jolly old fat man with a white beard and a red suit could ever shimmy down such a narrow, dirty passageway to leave presents in your living room without him barking an alarm.

Fido may become a true believer in the age-old controversy this weekend at the Puente Hills Mall, which is offering the ultimate in holiday cheer for the pet who has everything: a visit with Santa.

For only $5, you can have your pet’s picture taken with old St. Nick.

This isn’t just for canines, either. Santa, his elves reported,

will be willing to entertain just about any pet--from cats to hamsters to canaries. (It’s unclear how Santa feels about pet tarantulas.)


The proceeds will go to benefit Canine Companions for Independence, a nonprofit national organization that trains dogs to help the physically handicapped, organizers say.

Santa will be at the mall on Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m.

Interested pet owners should head to CCI, located on the second level of the J. C. Penney wing of the mall, which is on Azusa Avenue near the Pomona Freeway (60) in the City of Industry.

For more information, call Frank or Judy Davidson at CCI, (818) 444-8068.
