
Cancer Researchers Will Get $150,000 in Grants

Stop Cancer, a volunteer research support group, Monday announced the establishment of $150,000 in grants for outstanding researchers at the comprehensive cancer centers at USC and UCLA in Los Angeles.

The Research Career Development Awards will be provided to selected researchers at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA and the Kenneth Norris Jr. Comprehensive Cancer Center at USC.

The Norris and Jonsson centers are among 28 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers nationwide and are the only two such centers in California. Organization officials said the centers have agreed to match each of the three-year $150,000 Stop Cancer career development grants on a dollar-for-dollar basis.


Stop Cancer was formed three years ago by the late Occidental Petroleum Chairman Armand Hammer to raise funds for cancer research. Before Hammer’s death, more than $12 million in cash and pledges was raised by the organization for the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.
