Where’s Our Mama? <i> by Diane Goode (Dutton: $13.95).</i>
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The moral of this story: Never wear a hat on a windy day if you and your children want to catch your train.
Ooh-la-la (Max in Love) by Maira Kalman (Viking: $14.95).
“Jacques, it’s me, Mimi. Oui. Oui. Listen . . . “ And so, in a jet-set Doctor Seuss lilt, begin the adventures of Max, the bohemian beagle, in Paris, where he’ll also meet Fritz from the Ritz which he quit in a snit when the chef in a fit threw escargot on his chapeau.
Mystery of Navajo Moon by Timothy Green (Northland Publishing: $14.95).
Wilma, a Navajo girl, is a dreamer. One night, a silvery horse carries her to the candy-colored stars. Has Wilma been dreaming or did she really grab a moonflake from the sky?
Dragons, Dragons & Other Creatures That Never Were by Eric Carle (Philomel: $18.95).
Scary at first, most of the monsters celebrated here seem benevolent once you get to know them. But best to read this by sunny day rather than creepy night, for some of these creatures do indeed bite!
If You Give a Moose a Muffin text by Laura Joffe Numeroff, pictures by Felicia Bond (HarperCollins: $12.95).
Talk about escalation! If you give a moose a muffin, he’ll want jam to go with it, and if you give him jam, he’ll want to borrow a sweater to go to the store for more muffin mix . . . it can only lead to disaster, don’t you see?
Pish, Posh, Said Hieronymous Bosch text by Nancy Willard, pictures by Leo and Diane Dillon (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: $18.95).
15th-Century Dutch painter Hieronymous Bosch filled his pictures with bizarre creatures. Willard’s poem about the troubles of Bosch’s housekeeper is marvelously complemented by the Dillons’ fantastical work.
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