

SAVE BY THE TON: Does it help the environment when a city recycles? Anaheim went citywide this year and says results are great: 1,800 tons of material a month that’s not being dumped in landfills. . . . Participation by residents is running about 98%, says recycling spokesman Rick Collette, who notes that “it’s still a learning process for people, what can and can’t be recycled.” For those who want to make a profit, local recycling centers say aluminum cans are getting the best price right now, above.

Recycling Prices

What most county recycling centers will pay for common products Paper: 75 cents to $1 per 100 pounds Cardboard: $1 to $1.50 per 100 pounds Cans*: 75 cents per pound Glass*: 5 cents per pound Plastic Bottles*: 32 to 35 cents per pound * “California redemption” rate only

Source: County recycling centers
