
The Costs of Reagan’s Military Buildup

Novelist Tom Clancy says that Ronald Reagan’s military buildup forced the Soviets “to change their attitudes about the United States, leading to the demise of Communism and the end of the Cold War” (Newsmakers, Nov. 19).

Even if true, at what cost to our nation?

Health care, housing and the equitable education for all Americans have been lost in the shuffle. Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning emergence of the homeless came about on Reagan’s watch?

Even with Magic Johnson’s tragic announcement of his infection with the HIV virus and President George Bush appointing Johnson to his AIDS commission, Congress is still expected to cut $14 million from the budget for AIDS education, testing and counseling because the nation doesn’t have enough money to go around due to our ‘80s militarism.


And lest we forget, there was a great peace movement in the United States and the world that Reagan would have no part of that helped bridge the gap with the Soviets.


Los Angeles
