
Altadena : Radar Speed Control Stalls

In reconsidering its earlier endorsement of radar traffic speed enforcement, the Town Council was unable to produce a majority vote last week.

The 14-member advisory council tied 7 to 7 in two votes, one on a motion to endorse radar enforcement, the other to oppose it.

The council has been at odds over the proposal because some current speed limits would need to be raised to meet requirements of state law that prevailing speeds must be taken into account when radar equipment is installed.


In September, the council voted 7 to 6 to endorse radar enforcement on three thoroughfares, but asked the Department of Public Works to re-evaluate the increase in speed limits.

But a county traffic engineer reported Tuesday that further speed checks confirmed that speeds would need to be raised by 5 m.p.h. on portions of Altadena and New York drives. Increases would not be necessary on Fair Oaks Avenue, the third street surveyed.

The final decision rests with Supervisor Mike Antonovich, whose field deputy, Ollie Blanning, said he would take the council’s inability to make a recommendation into consideration.
