
CYPRESS : Law Against Leaks From Council Urged

After a council member’s complaint that privileged information was being leaked to the public, the City Council has decided to look into passing an ordinance encouraging them to keep their own mouths shut.

The action was prompted by Councilwoman Cecilia L. Age, who said she fears that information discussed during private sessions about a much-debated proposal to bring a card club to the Los Alamitos Race Course will not stay behind closed doors.

Age said if leaks occur, it will not be the first time, adding that privileged information involving the club had already been disclosed.


“I want to see that an ordinance is passed so that if any confidential information is leaked to any side, the council member is slapped with a fine,” Age said.

This week the council asked the city attorney to look into what other communities do when council members violate closed-meeting secrecy. Although giving out confidential information is a misdemeanor, some cities go one step more and adopt their own guidelines, Assistant City Atty. John Cavanaugh told the council.

A few council members expressed concern over how much it would cost to look into the matter and wondered whether it would be a waste of tax money.


“I am wondering if we are looking into a long, costly research project,” said Councilman Richard Partin.

“I don’t want to put any expense on the city,” Councilwoman Joyce C. Nicholson said.

However, Mayor Walter K. Bowman sided with Age. “I think it is an issue that should be addressed,” he said.

The council asked Cavanaugh to look into what the city would have to do to adopt a law protecting city secrets. He is expected to report back to the council at its next meeting.
