
* He Said She Said: Men who...

* He Said She Said: Men who admitted they had sex with Kathy Willets, the Fort Lauderdale, Fla., woman accused of committing prostitution with her husband’s help, gave varying accounts in sworn statements of why she said she was performing sex acts. She told some customers she was unemployed, separated from her husband and needed money to pay bills. But another statement suggests Willets, 33, only dropped hints about money. “She always said . . . she was taking donations or whatever,” said one of the 21 men who, in exchange for testifying, are not being prosecuted.

* Pecking Order: About eight small birds have done what Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard couldn’t: hold off the U.S. Army’s 18th Airborne Corps. The red-cockaded woodpeckers, an endangered species, are holed up in woods on the main range used to train attack helicopter crews at Fort Bragg, N.C. The base commander closed the $20-million range last week when feds invoked rules protecting the birds. In typical military-ese, the commander snorted: “This is unacceptable from the standpoint of readiness.”

* North’s Orders: Three FBI agents waited for Oliver North to finish signing autographs at a religious bookstore in a Detroit suburb before handing him a subpoena from Lawrence Walsh, the Iran-Contra prosecutor. It ordered him to appear Friday in court in Washington, D.C., but North gave no further details. Still, as the agents left the store, North called out: “Hey guys, are you getting out of here without buying a book?”


* Shot Down: Forget what you heard about the Red Baron or watched in movie dogfights pitting Fokkers and Pfalzes against Spads and Sopwith Snipes: The Smithsonian Institution doesn’t think aviation contributed much in World War I. The institution is about to open a sure-to-be-controversial exhibit. “The basic idea is to set the record straight what aviation in World War I was all about,” says lead curator Dominick Pisano.
